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Bing Ads, formerly known as Bing Ads and are equally potent than Google Ads. It is among the most underappreciated company advertising tools. Through Bing Ads, companies can place pay-per-click (PPC) advertisements on the Microsoft Search Network.

Additionally, it permits posting of advertisements on its owned websites, including LinkedIn, Outlook, and MSN. It’s a potent tool that competes with Google as it assists companies in reaching their target customers and boosting website traffic and conversions.

However, are you aware of how to use Microsoft’s search engine advertising platform? Continue reading to find out everything you need to know to get started with Microsoft Ads and advertise on Bing!

With Bing Ads, advertisers can publish sponsored content on partner networks including Yahoo and AOL in addition to the Bing search network. Microsoft Bing Ads is a pay-per-click (PPC) advertising platform. The Bing search results page has adverts at the top, side, and bottom.

By using Microsoft Bing Ads, businesses may reach a wide range of potential clients, including demographic groups that could be difficult to attract on other platforms.

Google Ads and Microsoft Bing Ads have comparable setup and functionality. After placing a bid on a particular term, you must wait for Bing to match it with searches made on this platform.

Difference between Bing Ads and Google Ads.

Even though Google may be a superior PPC platform, Bing Ads is still gaining traction and has a sizable following.

 The main point of differences is

 (a) Search Engine Network

  • Google Ads: Google, the most widely used search engine worldwide, shows adverts.

    Microsoft Bing Advertising: Bing, the search engine that powers Yahoo search and is the standard search engine on Microsoft devices, shows adverts.

(b) Market Share

  • Google Ads: Google dominates the worldwide search market and holds a substantial market share in the search engine space.
  • Microsoft Bing Advertising: Although Microsoft Ads’ market share is lower than Google’s, it nonetheless reaches a sizable user base, especially in some areas.

(c) Audience Demographics

  • Google Ads: With a larger audience base and a diverse user base that spans several demographics, Google draws in a large and varied audience.
  • Microsoft Advertising: There may be some demographic variations between the user bases of Microsoft and Google, with a higher percentage of users belonging to certain businesses or groups.

(d) Competition and Cost-Per-Click

  • Google Ads: The high popularity of Google Ads can lead to increased competition, potentially resulting in higher CPC for certain keywords.
  • Microsoft Advertising: For many keywords and phrases, Microsoft has less competition than Google because it still holds a smaller market share than the latter.

(e) Ad Formats and Extensions

  • Google Ads: Provides a large selection of ad forms, such as shopping, display, text, and video ads. Ad extensions are provided, including callout and sitelink extensions.
  • Microsoft Advertising: Offers search, display, and commerce ads, among other ad types comparable to Google Ads. Additionally available are ad extensions such as location and site link extensions.

(f) User Interface and Tools

  • Google Ads: Known for its user-friendly interface and a variety of tools for campaign management, analytics, and optimization.
  • Microsoft Advertising: Offers a user-friendly interface with tools for managing campaigns, tracking performance, and optimizing ads.

(g) Search Partner Network

  • Google Ads: Campaigns can reach additional websites and platforms by appearing on Google’s search partner network.
  • Microsoft Advertising: Offers access to Yahoo and Bing as well as the Microsoft Search Network; however, its reach can differ from that of Google’s search partner network. 

Getting Started with Bing Ads

With Microsoft Bing Ads, you can connect with millions of consumers who look for goods and services using the Bing search engine. To start your first campaign on the platform, adhere to these instructions.

Create a Microsoft Ads Account

  • Visit the Microsoft Bing Ads Website and sign up for an account
  • You might need a Microsoft account (like Outlook or Xbox) to get started.

Campaign Creation

  • After creating an account, start by creating a new Advertising campaign
  • Define your campaign objective: drive traffic, increase sales, or promote brand awareness.

Set your Campaign Goal

  • Microsoft will ask you to choose a campaign goal such as visits to my website, phone calls to business, conversions to my website, sell product online.
  • You can start a campaign with any goal you wish, just make sure it fits with your overall business goals. For example, choosing “sell products online” as your campaign aim makes the most sense if your goal is to grow your online sales.

Keyword research

  • Choosing the right keyword is essential for a business. You can use Microsoft’s keyword planner to perform detailed keyword research. 
  • After entering the keyword in the planner, start analyzing the keyword based on average monthly searches, competition for top rank bid. Make a list of keywords that would be relevant to your business

Choose your Ad type

  • Once you have selected your goal and keywords, its time to choose and set up your Ad type. Microsoft lets you choose from two types of ads: Search Ads and audience Ads. 
  • Search Ads are shown at the top of search result, audience ads are shown in non search placement within articles, for instance on sites like Microsoft Edge, MSN, Outlook, and other partner sites. Most beginner advertisers start with search ads, as they’re easier to set up and much more convenient to manage than audience ads.

Bidding and Budget Management

  • Now you get the option of setting your daily budget. Enter an amount you are conformable with, this is how much you’ll pay each day until your ads are active.


  • Set bids for keywords to determine ad position.
  • Bids represent maximum amount willing to pay per click.
  • Manual or automated bidding options available.
  • Automated strategies adjust bids based on performance data. 

Budget Management

  • Set daily or monthly budgets to control spending.
  • Allocate budgets at the campaign level.
  • Monitor budget utilization and adjust as needed.
  • Regularly analyze performance metrics for optimization.
  • Microsoft uses this information to estimate the number of clicks and impressions your advertisement may receive. Below the daily budget section, you can also view your monthly maximum, which is the highest amount Microsoft Ads will charge you in a month.

Add your payment Information

  • No service is free! Now you must add your payment information. Fill out your business and payment information. Microsoft will give you 2 options:
  1. Pre-pay: requires you to pay for your ads for the month ahead upfront
  2. Post-pay: requires you to pay for your ads at the end of the month

Launch your campaign

  • Finally, click save to launch your first Microsoft Ads campaign. Your ads will show when people search for your targeted keywords on Bing, AOL, Yahoo, and syndicated partner sites (like MSN and Outlook).  
  • Keep an eye on the campaign’s performance to find out which of your advertisements your target audience prefers. Once you’ve improved those advertisements, you should see even greater outcomes. Put simply, being a knowledgeable advertisement pays off.

Expand your company using Microsoft Ads

  • Spending on search ads increases visitor engagement when their search purpose is specific and well-defined. Because of this, search engine marketing (SEM) will only become more popular among company owners and entrepreneurs.
  • It’s often easier than it looks to launch your own Microsoft Ads campaign when you walk through the process step-by-step. And you’ll be well on your way to crushing your business after you figure out how to monitor, evaluate, and understand your performance.

Microsoft Ads Best Practices 

A. Staying updated with platform changes:

  • Microsoft Advertising regularly introduces updates, new features, and changes to its platform. Staying informed about these updates is crucial to leveraging new opportunities and staying competitive.
  • Updates may include changes to ad formats, bidding options, targeting capabilities, and reporting tools.
  • By staying updated, advertisers can adapt their strategies to take advantage of new features and functionalities that may improve campaign performance.
  • Resources for staying updated include official Microsoft Advertising blogs, newsletters, webinars, and announcements within the platform’s interface.

B. Following the guidelines for Microsoft Ads:

  • Ad material is subject to stringent policies from Microsoft Advertising, which include rules about content that is not allowed, trademarks, and editorial standards.
  • To avoid having their advertising rejected, having their accounts suspended, or facing other penalties, advertisers need to make sure that their ads adhere to Microsoft Advertising regulations.
  • Policies also address user experience, landing page content, and forbidden behaviors including fraudulent or deceptive advertising.
  • Regularly reviewing and understanding Microsoft Advertising policies is essential to maintaining compliant ad campaigns and preserving account health.
  • On the Microsoft Advertising website or in the assistance resources available on the platform, advertisers can discover comprehensive information regarding policies and guidelines.

Tips for Running an Optimal Microsoft Advertising Campaign

  • It takes some time to be a successful ad campaign after its launch. It takes time to collect the relevant data, learn more about your marketplace and how it responds, and find what your target market best responds to.
  • But there are certain approaches and strategies you can use to maximize the chances of your campaign becoming successful and profitable, and to reduce the time it takes to get there.
  •        Use a strong call to action
  •        Focus on relevance on your Ad
  •       Test regularly
  •       Use a quality landing page
  •        Monitor Your Metrics and Adjust Accordingly


Inconclusion, Bing Ads offers advertisers a powerful platform to reach their target audience and achieve their marketing goals. From setting up campaigns to optimizing performance, the key to success lies in understanding your audience, crafting compelling ad copy, and continuously refining your strategies.

As we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of digital advertising, embracing experimentation and staying informed about platform updates are essential. With Bing Ads, advertisers have the opportunity to tap into a diverse audience and drive meaningful results for their businesses. So, take the leap, explore the possibilities, and elevate your advertising efforts with Bing Ads today 

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