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Are you ready for Google to index your WordPress website? We've created a short tutorial that outlines the precise actions you should perform when indexing.

A webpage needs to be viewed and examined by the Google crawler in order to Index WordPress Website / Blogs for Google. The website is found by this bot, which then crawls through the pages and adds them to the Google index. 

The reason this is important is that search results can only display indexed pages, therefore getting your website ranked depends on it.

Although Google will frequently automatically scan and index your website, you shouldn’t wait for this to happen. This may not occur at all, or it may take several weeks. You can, however, take a few different actions to alert Google and expedite the indexing process.

Prepare your WordPress website for Indexing

Prior to Google indexing your WordPress website, there are a few more actions you should follow that will be very helpful. Think of this as the planning phase.

Make sure Google can reach your website.

It’s not easy for Google to evaluate your website just because it’s live. Set your website to “unpublished” if it’s not quite ready to go live. By doing this, you can make sure that every page has optimized URLs and metadata, that all of the content reflects your intent, and that all of the keywords are present. If you skip this step, there’s a chance Google won’t comprehend your website, which will make it more difficult to index.

Additionally, be sure that the WordPress settings do not prevent search engines from indexing your website. When you go to Settings > Reading > Site Visibility, you’ll notice a “Discourage search engines from indexing this site” option box. Make sure this box is unchecked to make your site visible to search engine crawlers.

In order to ensure that you are aware of how visible your site is, SEOPress will notify you from our SEO dashboard page if this box is ticked. You will need to make sure that none of your website’s pages have been set to noindex. 

Once more, SEOPress assists you with this by promptly alerting you from the SEO dashboard page, Notifications center, if that is the case.

Create an XML sitemap

A list of your website’s URLs made specifically for search engine bots is called an XML sitemap. Possessing one of these informs search engines about the architecture of your website. It establishes information on the connections between pages and the significance
of particular pages. Click on Rank Math SEO>Sitemap Setting, One Box will be appear that will rendered the sitemap of your website click on it. One additional tab will be opened and it will display all the corresponding sitemaps, by right clicking copy the address and submit it to google for further indexing.


Submit Webpage / Blog to Google

Your website will go into the indexing queue after completing this step. Google will still find and index your site and pages if they are valuable. But make every effort to get Google traffic to your website. Take these actions:

Create an account with Google Search Console.

Your website will go into the indexing queue after completing this step. Google will still find and index your site and pages if they are valuable. But make every effort to get Google traffic to your website. Take these actions:

Verify ownership of your site

The administrators can examine several aspects such as crawling issues and indexing status by utilizing Google Search Console as a central center. Maintaining an account enhances your website’s visibility and helps you remain on top of things. Here is also where you can submit your sitemap. For additional details, see our comprehensive guide to setting up Google Search Console.

Submitting Sitemap to Google

This should be accomplished using the GSC Sitemaps report. In essence, it queues up your sitemap for Google to crawl. Additionally, SEOPress Free has a function that allows you to use the WordPress plugin to directly ping Google with your XML sitemap. Paste your right clicked sitemap address into google search console>sitemap>add new site map, and click on submit button.

Submitting URL for Indexing

Copy the URL required to be indexed, browse to Google Search Console > URL Inspection > Paste URL over there> test Live URL> click on Request for Indexing. 

Your Web Page/ Blog will be Indexed within short time as per google crawler.

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